Flooring - Floors
Flooring is a structural element of the house, that has a wide variety of choices, durable and beauty should be part of any flooring. However this qualities are worthless if the sub-
The floor or sub flooring on which your flooring rest, is as important even more that your flooring. Particle board sub flooring has a severe weakness against water leaks and moisture. Plywood sub flooring is a better option, together with some sort of moisture proof barrier.

Carpet, Hardwood , Laminate or Pergo floor, Engineered floors, Vinyl & Linoleum floors, Tile, Marble & Granite floor, are among the most popular in the market and the cost goes accordingly with the life of the product. Hardwood flooring is better that laminate flooring but cost more. The same we could say for marble or tile and tits installation requires more skills than installing laminate floors.

Versatile Flooring
The flooring used could be the same for most areas of the house, but a combination of flooring is also an option, like hardwood floors or tile for kitchen, or vinyl flooring or tile for bathrooms or engineered floor or carpet for bedrooms and hallways which provides different environments.
Moisture is also a very destructive agent against floors and a persistent leak could destroy entire sections of the floor, even to damage the framing of the house, for that reason a prompt attention to leaks is recommended and not let the damage become a serious and costly situation later on.